𝐏𝐨π₯π’π­πšΜ€πœπ’π­π¨ open rehersals live @Dobialab

Dobialab offers a look at the first rehearsal meeting between the trio 𝐏𝐨π₯π’π­πšΜ€πœπ’π­π¨ with a release on the β€œSetola di Maiale” label and several concerts in Italy and Europe under its belt, Colombian fiatist Maria β€œMangè” Valencia, flutist Paolo Pascolo, drummer Stefano Giust with electronic musician Andrea Gulli, pianist Giorgio Pacorig and visual artist Francesco … Read more𝐏𝐨π₯π’π­πšΜ€πœπ’π­π¨ open rehersals live @Dobialab

BETTER LIVE @ Dobialab

Dobialab invites you to a Sunday journey by hosting a stage of the European project BETTER LIVE curated by the Ljubljana association ZAVOD SPLOH from 5.30pm: DIEGO CAICEDO: guitar VASCO TRILLA: percussion ANDREA GULLI: live electronics PAOLO PASCOLO:: flutes, tenor sax Better Live is an international project that will last until August 2026 and wants … Read moreBETTER LIVE @ Dobialab